Film review: Assassin’s Creed

Assassin's Creed
Ubisoft makes its first foray onto the big screen but will it synchronise fully with the games or leave us snatching at fragments?

The secret order of the Templars has campaigned since the crusades to find the item known as the Apple of Eden. Touted as the key to man’s free will this item has a terrible potential. The Templars are closer than ever before. Having created the machine known as the Animus, they can trace the bloodline of the last known man in possession of the Apple. Aguliar, the last assassin to protect the item has passed his bloodline over the years to a convict by the name of Callum Lynch. Learning of his heritage and struggling with the truths of the present Lynch (Fassbender), finds himself in a whole new world.

Fassbender, does an exceptional job portraying his descent into what he believes is madness. The scene of his psychological break is by far the most moving moment of the film. He is supported well by the snarling Templar commander played by Denis Ménochet, who seems to be going from strength to strength in his recent performances, like the Netflix series Spotless. Jeremy Irons presents a very atypically aloof villain and his conflicted daughter (Marion Cotillard) dawdles along at his side. There is definitely a waste of the talent available in this film but it does ensure a certain passable standard. The acting and action places the film firmly in the average section, which for a film of a game, could be considered high praise. However as with all movies of this type when critiqued by avid fans it finds itself lacking, and when viewed by those unaware of the background it does not inspire in its own rights.

Michael Fassbender - Assassin's Creed

Michael Fassbender stars as Cal Lynch/Aguilar

The production value of the costumes and sets must be applauded. The world that you are drawn into within the animus is every bit as lovingly crafted as the games themselves. Perhaps this is to be expected however as that is Ubisoft’s one area of expertise. The CGI is for the most part acceptable but the repeated eagle scenes become somewhat tiring. Cinematography can’t be faulted and there are some very nice angles that capture the stunts and action well. The chase and fight scenes are very non linear and do keep you from thinking it is just your average run and gun, or bow.

When put together as an accessory to the games this will rest nicely between collectors other discs of the Assassin’s Creed series. It is fun and hopefully the game studio will have used it to further or inform the series as they go forward. If it had been packaged as merchandise linked to an upcoming game rather than a blockbuster movie, its global reception may have been much better. As it stands for me I would only recommend this as a Blu-ray disc buy for existing fans of the game.





Author: Joe, Bath store