Sonic, Tails and Knuckles reunite and team up with an unlikely nemesis to battle Shadow, a mysterious and powerful new enemy, who’s been in stasis for 50 years.
From Paramount studios who have given us the much loved Sonic The Hedgehog 1 and 2 movies comes the third of an ever expanding universe of beloved and colourful characters, who if anything is only growing further into their world in both visually animated and character driven depth. With a franchise that has so far topped the $1billion mark in just the films alone their world is only going to continue to be adored by fans.
Set in chronological order and only a matter of months after Sonic The Hedgehog 2 we find an ever expanding realm introducing new characters to the cinema screen after we get a sneaking glimpse of Sonic’s friend and team mate Tails at the end of the first film, an adorable fox with two tails who can not only fly but is Sonic’s technically gifted right hand man.
An expanding universe of characters requires the vocal talents to match. This is partially where the film series has worked so well with voice acting far harder than actors are given credit for, we see the return of many firm favourites who have helped propel this into what will be far more than a mere successful trilogy. With Ben Schwartz returning as Sonic, his voice is perfect for the zaniness and humour required for Sonic. Colleen O’Shaughnessey voices Tails, whose voice works so well for the character. And not forgetting Idris Elba as Knuckles, who was brought in to be Sonic’s nemesis following the extremely successful games by ‘SEGA’ only to become one of his close companions looking to save the world from their evil arch nemesis.
Of course with all great heroes requires the need for the supervillain or indeed… villains. Enter Jim Carrey returning from his self-induced retirement for the right script which in his words had to be “delivered by angels or written in gold ink”. Returning in not one but two roles, Carrey plays both Dr. Ivo Robotnik, and his grandfather Professor Gerald Robotnik… who he jumps back to the past with as his grandfather was once the head of ‘Project Shadow’. This is where we are introduced to Shadow the Hedgehog played by the vocally distinctive Keanu Reeves, who once given the role made a deep dive into the world of Sonic loving every twist and turn and was quickly adored by fans of the franchise.
Crash landing in Oklahoma in 1974 Shadow the Hedgehog is captured by the military headed up by the rotund, elderly Professor Gerald Robotnik, only for the professor’s granddaughter Maria Robotnik (Alyla Browne) to forge an unexpected and strong friendship with the brooding, yet lovable alien.
Sonic’s mission with his pals and carers Tom and Maddie Wachowski (James Marsden and Tika Sumpter) is to bring the lovable yet deadly alien back into restraints before he wreaks unknown havoc on planet Earth. Heading up the mission is Director Rockwell played by Kristen Ritter who is new to the world of Sonic fitting well into the already very well established cinema franchise.
From a shaky start with Sonic 1 after fans revolted against the early designs of the character, forcing the studio to redesign him and push the film back. The Sonic franchise has surprisingly gone from strength to strength, with a following that only seems to be growing in a world where new intellectual property is rare and existing I.P. needs to be executed well or find itself lost and unloved. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 in most definitely in the prior camp where the graphics and indeed storylines are improving each time. It will be another 2 years before Sonic the Hedgehog 4 so enjoy this whilst it is still showing on the biggest and best medium.
By the way, stay for both end credits for more Sonic fun. To be this good takes AGES. (That’s one for the true Sega fans)
Author: Piers, Maidstone Store