Richer videos

Our videos, including everything from the latest TV, home cinema and hi-fi, to in-depth explanations of the latest technology.

Product Video: Monitor Audio MASS 5.1 Speaker System

Product Video: Monitor Audio MASS 5.1 Speaker System

  Arron from Richer Sounds takes a look at the Monitor Audio MASS 5.1 Surround Sound speaker system. For more info go to:

Video: Denon X2800H AV Receiver

Video: Denon X2800H AV Receiver

Arron from Richer Sounds takes a look at the Denon AVR-X2800H Dolby Atmos and DTS:X AV Receiver. For more info go to

Video: Projection Systems

Video: Projection Systems

Ben from Richer Sounds takes a look at projection systems. There are lots of options out there and for the best results, it’s important to have the right projector and screen combination for your specific needs.  To have a look …read more