Game Review: Destiny 2

Bungie returns with a new offering but will Halo continue to be their crowning glory?

The Traveller has been attacked. The Cabal’s murderous Red Legion have staked their claim upon the land and the light is snuffed out but for a few cracks. Through one of these cracks you find yourself rescuing and re-joining with some of the guardian elites. Cayde can be found having got himself into somewhat of a pickle, introducing to us a schizophrenic AI that could easily be one of the best parts of the game. I won’t mention every character along the road as there are many but another Hawthorne marks another great part of the game, introducing a small-time farm on earth there is a great sense of scale to the game. The world does not feel like a stage for an epic story but a living breathing world, Hawthorne is a part of that world and does well to bring to light the oversights of the Guardians, especially when it comes to the little folk. You can also have a friendly game of football so hopefully the farm will give you a great social meeting point.

Technically the game has greatly impressed me. Graphically the first game was not lacking but it is put to shame by its successor, this is rare for a game released within a relatively short time frame and by the same team. It is one of the first signs that Bungie definitely changed gear for Destiny 2. The mechanics of the game are hugely improved, while everything will feel familiar to Destiny 1 players the controls and interaction with the world feels richer. Gun play feels smooth and satisfying and the abilities offered allow for comfortable quick movement. The speed with which you can fly, dodge and execute an awesome move without the need to be a hardened pro is an admirable piece of game design. Open inclusion of all types of gamer to enjoy the world in the same way is fantastic, dropping you into areas of the map with strangers or friends you never feel like a loner. Finally, the audio is another technical and artistic breakthrough, flush with great music throughout it captures the mood and plays on your emotions. The pin point accuracy of the surround sound and the levels of world audio are also incredible, wandering round an abandoned town I constantly looked round at the flap of a cloak to find out it was a flag or debris in the wind.

Destiny 2 has the rare ability to make you fall in love with it as a game for enjoyment, social time and competitiveness. As more DLC arrives I can only imagine the universe will get bigger and better. For those who had reservations from the first game this is certainly a big step up on the evolutionary ladder. There is striking wit, deep world building and a story that has more than one dimension in all senses of the meaning. This is a must have experience.





Author: Joe, Bath Store