Here are a few of our top picks for Blu-ray releases coming to you this month…

Kevin Spacey is emphatic as the power-hungry politician Frank Underwood.
‘House of Cards’ Seasons 1-3 Box Set – Sony Pictures
Out Now!
One of the most iconic series currently available on Netflix is finally coming to Blu-ray. It was one of the first series ever to be streamed to the masses in 4K and has some incredible panoramic shots of America as well as some extremely gripping drama. It follows Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a man who’s lust for power and desire to be the most powerful man in the world sometimes gets the better of him. He works as a congressman in New York and through all the shady dealings he does to whip the votes, somehow things just always seem to go his way rather than for the greater good.
A thoroughly enjoyable series that always leaves you demanding more and wanting to jump straight into the next episode. Younger viewers are certainly not advised as it contains some pretty raunchy moments as well as some bad language but then again, this is about politics…

Tom Hardy returns in this explosive incarnation of the legendary Mad Max series.
‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ – Warner Bros
Out 5th October!
Where do you even begin with ‘Mad Max”? Well if you are unfamiliar with the series then I suggest you root around for some of the original films with Mel Gibson and find out why he shot to fame thanks to these impressively written post apocalyptic thrillers. They have a bit of everything in them, crazy car chases, violence, the discord in society running amock and of course… a protagonist who will do anything to survive. Cue Tom Hardy’s appearance in the series who is currently a very hot topic in the film world thanks to his impressive appearance as the Kray twins in Legend. I suggest giving this one a watch as it contains some incredible car chase sequences that will leave you on the edge of your seat. FYI, the original is currently in the Guiness Book of World Records as being the most profitable movie of all time… Dig that!

When will we learn that a dinosaur based theme park is just not safe?!
‘Jurassic World’ – Universal Pictures
Out 19th October!
If this movie passed you by then it’s likely that you were bombarded by all your friends saying how awesome dinosaurs are/were and that you HAVE to go and see this movie. I heard mixed reviews from some of my friends who are extreme movie goers, but a film producer I know (who has produced his own critically acclaimed dino flick ‘Extinction’) saw it and loved it instantly. I would love to get this and go back down memory lane, watching the original ‘Jurassic Park’ movies as I did back in the cinema when I was knee high, plus it stars one of my current favourite actors in Chris Pratt as the man who can tame Velociraptors. However I’m hesitant on the fact that hype over movies can be misleading. I’m hoping it’s money well spent on such an extravagant special effects budget but the way things are shaping up, I’m sure my surround sound system is going to get a thorough test from dino roars. I’m giving this one the MUST SEE approval!

Dragon Ball Z was created by Toei Animation.
‘Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods/Resurrection of F’ – Toei Animation. Out 26th October
I’m happy to get the nerd tag added to my list of attributes for this pick, ‘Dragon Ball Z’ is a firm favourite amongst the Anime community. It took rather primitive drawings of enormous explosions, flying green men and what are affectionately known as “The Super Saiyans” saving the earth and made it mainstream. Nowadays everyone is ripping off ideas in real movies from this extremely retro animation series that ran between 1989 to 1996 including the ‘Matrix’ (seriously the final fight between Neo and Agent Smith is a direct rip off from one of the biggest fights scenes in the series) and of course the movie spin off that we just simply don’t have the time to go into detail…
The newest addition to the series sees Goku, Gohan and friends fighting one of the strongest beings in the universe back with a vengeance to destroy the man/being who defeated him. This obviously means he’s become somewhat tougher since the last encounter and there is an epic battle to be had. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that those who are photosensitive should probably give this a miss, as there will be a lot of flashing images and incredibly out of this world fight sequences… KAMEHAMEHA!

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has to save a city from doom in this action packed flick.
‘San Andreas’ – Warner Bros
Out 12th October!
Can you smell…. a huge natural disaster? Yes Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stars in this Hollywood blockbuster as a search and rescue pilot called in to help out during a magnitude 9 earthquake after the world famous San Andreas fault decides it is time to rip a hole in the planet. Obviously this movie is not to be confused with a Grand Theft Auto title of the same name (a common mistake) and is a disaster movie crammed full of special effects, treacherous scenarios for him to think his way out of and of course act like a loving parent… which he actually is. Expect thrills and a white knuckle ride through an end of the world scenario with a hint of emotional content due to the underlying story about saving his daughter.
Thanks for checking out our top picks for upcoming Blu-ray release this October. Of course there are lots of amazing titles out this month, if you think we’ve missed any why not let us know in the comments below?
Author – Andrew, Weybridge store