With the introduction of 4K and a multitude of enhancements in big screen technology that have since followed, it got us to thinking about some of the most visually stunning bits of cinema, here’s our top five…

It may not have been shot in the days of CGI but it remains a cinematic marvel.
‘Swiss Family Robinson’ – Walt Disney
Cinematography by Harry Waxman
Aside from the multitude of iconic classic movies like ‘2001 Space Odyssey’ I have always had a soft spot for ‘Swiss Family Robinson’. With superb use of natural landscape and set building there is no shortage of eye candy and all without the use of CGI. Idyllic white beaches, tree houses with beds open to the stars, epic sweeping pirate battles and a great assortment of animal cast members leaves you wishing for an island of your own.

It may be set in the Aztec jungle, but ‘Apocolypto’ is a by no means a tropical paradise.
‘Apocolypto’ – Touchstone Pictures
Cinematography by Dean Semler
Directed by Mel Gibson and arguably one of his best films, this mystical journey through the final days of the Aztec is certainly eye catching. The lack of subtitles or coherent language leaves you totally in the grip of what is happening visually. This non verbal story telling is done so well you are never in any doubt what’s taking place and encourages your senses in a whole new way. The filming locations in lush rainforests mixed with the weird and wonderful citadels is never short on beauty in any form, the cast too are all lovingly characterised, each unique to their station and creed and fascinating to the eye.

The story spans generations giving us a millennia of evolving landscapes.
‘Cloud Atlas’ – Warner Bros
Cinematography by John Toll & Frank Griebe
A somewhat understated but brilliant film, Cloud Atlas follows the intertwined paths of multiple strangers across time and space. With its multi-role cast of greats like Tom Hanks, Jim Broadbent and Halle Berry it is adventurous even with its cast makeovers. Creating believable worlds within worlds and characters within characters it is a kaleidoscope of visual treats. Each scene is detailed in its creation and no expense is spared in making the film look as grand as the idea behind it, be it in the writer in the attic or the rogue warriors of the future.

One of the biggest CGI hits in cinema history & it is the highest grossing film of all time.
‘Avatar’ – 20th Century Fox
Cinematography by Mauro Fiore
Years in the making ‘Avatar’ could not afford to be anything less than it is, awe inspiring. Regardless of the plot, acting or script this film is gripping, the ludicrously titanic scale of green screened imagery puts ‘Lord of the Rings’ to shame. Made with 3D in mind it is one of the few films that is a must see in that format, drawing the audience further into the setting was no afterthought in this production.

One of the ultimate cinematic experiences, shot in stunning 3D and with a Dolby Atmos soundtrack.
‘Life of Pi’ – 20th Century Fox
Cinematography by Claudio Miranda
Beautifully crafted to make you believe in the dream world in front of you the films plot extends itself outside of the screen. Tethered all the while to reality its breathtaking imagery keeps you revelling in visual possibilities an Attenborough documentary would kill for. Seen in 4K HDR the colours and cinematography are totally engrossing, setting a bench mark for beauty through the camera lens to match the limitless possibilities of today’s CGI. It is for this duality in gorgeous imagery that in my mind gives it the number one slot.
Of course there is a plethora of classics and modern day releases that could’ve easily made it into our hotly contested list of visually stunning films. But if you’ve just upgraded to a fantastic new home cinema system then these are definitely worth a watch.
Author – Joe, Bath store