New products

With dozens of new products hitting our stores every week, wouldn’t it be nice to keep abreast of the latest kit and unbelievable bargains? Well, look no further. We provide highlights of our favourite new releases plus the most eagerly anticipated tech to help you stay one step ahead.

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Product Review: JBL T450BT Headphones

Product Review: JBL T450BT Headphones

As most Smartphone manufacturers are moving away from including a traditional 3.5mm headphone socket on their models, more and more Bluetooth headphones are appearing on the market. Such a feature naturally sees an increase in a product’s selling price, usually …read more

Product review: Pioneer N30-AE network streamer

Product review: Pioneer N30-AE network streamer

When you hear the words “streaming music”, you probably think of monthly payments for a Spotify or Apple music membership or even worse, listening to your favourite song as a terrible quality Mp3 file you downloaded, though a pair of £4 …read more

Product review: Panasonic TX40ES500 TV

Product review: Panasonic TX40ES500 TV

After last year’s massively popular TX40DS500, Panasonic have given us another Full HD set in the TX40ES500. “But it’s not 4K!”, I hear you say. Well fear not my dear friends, as Full HD sets are still very sought after, …read more

Film Review: The Mummy

Film Review: The Mummy

Reboots seem to be all the rage these days, whether it’s something that’s been around for years like King Kong or newer franchises such as Spider-man or in this case The Mummy. The idea is this time around that The …read more

Product review: Sony KD55A1 4K OLED TV

Product review: Sony KD55A1 4K OLED TV

Whilst new televisions are always interesting and exciting, it’s very rare that something breaks the mould and really stands out from the crowd… Every now and then a certain product does just this; the Samsung F9000, or the first LG …read more

Product review: Samsung HWMS6501 TV soundbar

Product review: Samsung HWMS6501 TV soundbar

As televisions become more aesthetically pleasing every year, the last thing we want to do is clutter up the living space with big unsightly boxes… One thing that is becoming more and more important is how our home entertainment systems …read more

Product review: Denon Heos AV Receiver

Product review: Denon Heos AV Receiver

With the multi-room streaming market growing bigger all the time, manufacturers need to do something a little different to catch the consumer’s eye and steal a march on competitors. Enter the HEOS AVR by Denon… Up until now, if you …read more