Product review: Panasonic DMPBDT180

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For technology fans, the last couple of months are almost like a second Christmas. As manufacturers across the globe are in the process of releasing their latest products, the coming month or so will see a glut of new gear to play with. Japanese hardware giant, Panasonic, are one of those getting ready to show off these new wares, and one of the first out of the blocks was the DMPBDT180 Blu-ray disc player.

Blu-ray has certainly hit its stride now, with disc sales stronger than ever and with most machines also offering support for online streaming services, giving consumers an all-in-one solution to watching the widest range of content in the home. This new Panasonic carries on that tradition, offering up a host of online content from the likes of the BBC and Youtube, as well as a host of other Video-on-Demand services. Simply hook up an ethernet cable and you’ve got a range of brilliant smart features ready to go!

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Of course, being a Blu-ray player, the machine is obviously geared towards disc-based content first and foremost. The DMPBDT180 not only plays standard Blu-ray discs, but also 3D discs and standard DVD, too.

One of the biggest innovations in recent years has been the arrival of 4K televisions. With 4K Blu-ray discs starting to arrive on the market, too, Panasonic has made sure to include 4K upscaling for those that aren’t quite ready to take to this new format just yet. By making the DMPBDT180 capable of outputting at this higher resolution, Blu-ray playback is clearer than ever. The front-mounted USB socket is capable of showing pictures in 4K resolution, too!

Speaking of the USB socket, this can also be used for audio playback in FLAC, WAV, WMA, AAC and MP3, as well as playing the MP4 video file format. Just plug in a properly formatted HDD and you’re away.

For a demonstration on this and many more Blu-ray players, call or pop into your local store today! To find out more about the Panasonic DMPBDT180, click here.

Author – Chris, Liverpool store