Sound bars not quite doing it for you? Or maybe you’re just baffled by the world of AV? The YHT1810 could tick all your boxes.
Every day I’m hearing that 5.1 is on its way out and sound bars are on the way in, it’s generally for the same reasons. They are too messy, have too many cables and are too complicated. So the majority of people will lean towards a nice easy soundbar or sound base. Now I’m not here to bash soundbars, you get a hell of a sound from certain ones, but at the end of the day, they are limited to certain price points.
If you’re like me, and you can either deal with the mess, put in the effort to hide all the cables, or try and talk the better half into why watching Coronation Street in 5.1 is the best idea in the world…then soundbars just aren’t going to cut the mustard.
Let’s say you make it, you’ve cleared that first hurdle, you’re then hit with another. Which amp do I buy? What the hell is DTSX? How can I possibly decide on a speaker package? And so on and so fourth. Well, fear not! The Yamaha YHT1810 is here to rid you of your worries!
Inside the (rather large) one box solution you will find a more than capable 5.1 AV receiver packing a very respectable 70×5 watts, so more than enough to annoy the neighbours. You will also find plenty of connectivity with 1 HDMI out and 4 HDMI in, all of which are 3D compatible. This gives you plenty of inputs for Sky, games consoles or a Blu-ray player. This unit can also pass through 30hz 4K Ultra HD with zero fuss. There’s also digital and analogue inputs as well, should you fancy using your turntable or CD player.

The Yamaha YHT1810 provides ideally matched speakers and an AV receiver for a fantastic introduction to home cinema.
There are 5 very sleek rounded speakers inside the box as well which will act as your surround setup (it’s clear that styling was taken into consideration). The speakers are quite unobtrusive but still pack a nice sound. Then, we have the subwoofer, not the biggest in the world, but again this package does have its limits (which I’ll get to). Finally, we have your speaker cable. All this packed neatly into one easy to set up, nifty little package.
Now for the money. The YHT1810 is a cracking little beginners system. If you’re just after 5.1 in its most basic form then this may be the package for you. It’ll give you that exciting cinematic sound as an object flies past your head and an incredible rumble in your belly as you hear an explosion. Who knows, maybe you might get bitten by the home cinema bug (which is a slippery slope) and fancy an upgrade. One of the joys of the YHT1810 is that you can introduce a new speaker cable, or you can add a whole new speaker package if you really want to. My point is that it is BASIC, but there’s plenty of room for improvement. But, if you’re worried that it’s not going to be enough for you then come into any one of our stores and tell us exactly what you want. We have the knowledge to build a system to your specifications, perhaps you might fancy something with networking or wireless audio capabilities. Whatever you like there’s generally always a way with Home Cinema. It’s good like that.
If you’re on the fence and you want some reassurance, or maybe want to hear the difference between 5.1 and a sound bar, then pop on down and let us explain for you.
To find out more about the Yamaha YHT1810, click here.
Author: Garrett, Plymouth