
Passion for music, movies and games is something shared by everyone at Richer Sounds so we love talking about the latest releases and discussing our favourites. If you fancy some recommendations from our team on what to watch or listen to next, just scroll down and take a peek.

Game review: Shadow of the Colossus

Game review: Shadow of the Colossus

Since its release back in 2005, Shadow of the Colossus has often been heralded as not just one of the best PS2 games but one of the best games of all time. As someone who played the original PS2 release …read more

Album review: Johnny Jewel – Digital Rain

Album review: Johnny Jewel – Digital Rain

Johnny Jewel is an extremely busy man, spreading himself across three bands, and solo productions as well as writing music for film. Whether his fans know him his as the leader of Chromatics, a member of Glass Candy or Desire, …read more

Album review: Franz Ferdinand – Always Ascending

Album review: Franz Ferdinand – Always Ascending

Having released their first four albums within nine years, Franz Ferdinand return with their fifth album after an absence of five years (not counting 2015’s collaborative FFS/Franz Ferdinand Sparks). It’s also their first without founding member, guitarist and songwriter Nick McCarthy. …read more

Game review: Dragon Ball FighterZ

Game review: Dragon Ball FighterZ

The latest fighting game in the Dragon Ball franchise, Dragon Ball FighterZ is a surefire hit for both new and old fans. Dragon Ball Z for many people was a staple of their childhood, introducing them not only to long …read more

Film review: Black Panther

Film review: Black Panther

Black Panther has been one of the most hotly anticipated Marvel movies since it was announced, but does it live up to all the hype and excitement? Read on to find out… In the most recent addition to the Marvel …read more