New products

With dozens of new products hitting our stores every week, wouldn’t it be nice to keep abreast of the latest kit and unbelievable bargains? Well, look no further. We provide highlights of our favourite new releases plus the most eagerly anticipated tech to help you stay one step ahead.

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Product review: Harmon Kardon SB20

Product review: Harmon Kardon SB20

Harmon Kardon’s The SB20 is designed to compete with the likes of the Cambridge TVB2 in every respect; offering a quality sound from a small chassis and a wireless sub for tight uplift on low frequencies. Read on to find …read more

Product review: Sennheiser PXC550 headphones

Product review: Sennheiser PXC550 headphones

I’ve been pretty excited about trying out Sennheiser’s latest noise-cancelling addition to their range since I got a quick listen at the Bristol Sound & Vision Show at the end of February.  The brief encounter I had with them definitely …read more

Product review: Sony MDR1000X headphones

Product review: Sony MDR1000X headphones

Brand loyalty can be a hugely influential factor for most of us when we’re weighing up a new purchase, particularly with electrical equipment. Goodwill (or a lack of!) built up by previous purchases from a particular brand can help to …read more

Product review: Yamaha ATS1050 soundbar

Product review: Yamaha ATS1050 soundbar

If there were a brand that immediately comes to mind when we think of soundbars, it would be Yamaha. They’ve long been promoting their sound projection technology to achieve surround sound, which means you won’t need any satellite speakers at …read more

Product review: Denon AVRX4300

Product review: Denon AVRX4300

Denon are doing incredibly well at the minute, and the AVRX range is no exception with the outstanding AVRX2300 leading the way. We’re well aware that value as well as performance sits at the top of our customers’ wish lists.  Read on …read more

Product review: Sony KD55XE9005

Product review: Sony KD55XE9005

  It doesn’t seem long ago that I was introducing the 2016 televisions, but that time has rolled around again! We’re starting off with a change of pace this year, as Sony usually releases much later in the season. However …read more