Album review: Ryan Adams – Prisoner

Album review: Ryan Adams – Prisoner

Alt-country raconteur Ryan Adams’ newly released album Prisoner follows up the tepidly received 1989. His re-imagining of Taylor Swift’s album of the same title was generally regarded as a fun idea on paper, less so in practice. But that’s not …read more

Album review: Ed Sheeran – Divide

Album review: Ed Sheeran – Divide

Ed Sheeran is an artist who needs little introduction, after a few years releasing independently he was snapped up by Atlantic in 2011 but now he is a certified pop-god. When he finds time in between touring the globe playing …read more

Film review: Kong: Skull Island

Film review: Kong: Skull Island

Those who haven’t seen the original film (or the 1976 remake) will surely remember Peter Jackson’s 2005 epic in all its CGI glory. Kong: Skull Island however, is a completely new part of Warner Brothers and Legendary Entertainment’s new rebooted “Monsterverse.” Kick …read more

Film review: Logan

Film review: Logan

Wolverine’s final hurrah and one of the grittier looking Marvel films yet but will it become more than just a hack and slash. Logan (Hugh Jackman) and Charles (Patrick Stewart) find themselves twisting in the wind as they grow old …read more

Product review: Denon AVRX4300

Product review: Denon AVRX4300

Denon are doing incredibly well at the minute, and the AVRX range is no exception with the outstanding AVRX2300 leading the way. We’re well aware that value as well as performance sits at the top of our customers’ wish lists.  Read on …read more

Product review: Sony KD55XE9005

Product review: Sony KD55XE9005

  It doesn’t seem long ago that I was introducing the 2016 televisions, but that time has rolled around again! We’re starting off with a change of pace this year, as Sony usually releases much later in the season. However …read more

Album review: Lupe Fiasco – DROGAS Light

Album review: Lupe Fiasco – DROGAS Light

Fans of Kanye West will remember his 2009 hit Touch The Sky which featured the relatively unknown rapper and producer Lupe Fiasco. It came out three years after his Food & Liquor album and sampled Curtis Mayfield’s 1970s hit record …read more