
Film review: Pacific Rim: Uprising

Film review: Pacific Rim: Uprising

There are definitely more imaginative plotlines for sequels than the typical “A-new-generation-of-protagonists-face-a-greater-threat-than-the-world-has-faced-before… blah blah blah”, but it’s a tried and tested method when it comes to riding the coattails of a popular first film. Star Wars, Independence Day, Tron, Blade …read more

Album review: David Byrne – American Utopia

Album review: David Byrne – American Utopia

Photo: Bryan Derballa/Redux David Byrne delivers his highly-anticipated latest solo effort, but how does the former Talking Head’s new work compare to past works? Perhaps it’s a case of great minds thinking alike or just a paucity of vocabulary, but …read more

Game review: Metal Gear Solid: Survive

Game review: Metal Gear Solid: Survive

Metal Gear is a legendary name when it comes to generations-spanning games full of story and new ideas, and for years have been the pinnacle of auteur-created games with Hideo Kojima at the helm of the series. Unfortunately, after Metal …read more

Game review: Rad Rogers

Game review: Rad Rogers

I love platform games. Yes, there may be more now then back in their 90’s heyday but given how much more you can do with modern consoles it’s always exciting to see how a developer is going to take the …read more

Game review: Crossing Souls

Game review: Crossing Souls

Nostalgia-fuelled throwbacks to times gone past are all the rage at the moment with the likes of Stranger Things filling the collective conscience as a fine example of emulating the time period and cyberpunk styling becoming a de facto go-to …read more