
Game review: Rad Rogers

Game review: Rad Rogers

I love platform games. Yes, there may be more now then back in their 90’s heyday but given how much more you can do with modern consoles it’s always exciting to see how a developer is going to take the …read more

Game review: Crossing Souls

Game review: Crossing Souls

Nostalgia-fuelled throwbacks to times gone past are all the rage at the moment with the likes of Stranger Things filling the collective conscience as a fine example of emulating the time period and cyberpunk styling becoming a de facto go-to …read more

Game review: Shadow of the Colossus

Game review: Shadow of the Colossus

Since its release back in 2005, Shadow of the Colossus has often been heralded as not just one of the best PS2 games but one of the best games of all time. As someone who played the original PS2 release …read more

Album review: Johnny Jewel – Digital Rain

Album review: Johnny Jewel – Digital Rain

Johnny Jewel is an extremely busy man, spreading himself across three bands, and solo productions as well as writing music for film. Whether his fans know him his as the leader of Chromatics, a member of Glass Candy or Desire, …read more