Game review: Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Game review: Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Games nowadays are out of this world when it comes to just how good they are and how much enjoyment you get from them. Despite this there will always be a part of everyone’s hearts that longs for the games …read more

Album review: The Prodigy – No Tourists

Album review: The Prodigy – No Tourists

The Prodigy, from Braintree, Essex, are pretty much an English institution now. They’ve been doing this for 28 years, you know. You’d think being still pretty high profile that their recent achievements in the field of science would’ve merited more …read more

Film review: Wildlife

Film review: Wildlife

A-listers Jake Gyllenhaal and Carey Mulligan add extra shine to this superbly written domestic drama. Based on the novel by Richard Ford, Wildlife marks the directorial debut of acclaimed actor Paul Dano and is co-written with his long-term partner Zoe Kazan. They’ve …read more

Film review: Peterloo

Film review: Peterloo

Based on the horrifying massacre of civilians by British troops at Peter’s Field in Manchester in 1819 (dubbed ‘Peterloo’ in mockery of the battle of Waterloo) Mike Leigh’s Peterloo is a lavish historical production. From the outset, the film’s production design is …read more

Film review: Widows

Film review: Widows

With his last film being the multi award-winning 12 Years a Slave, it’s fair to say that the expectation for Widows, the latest film from Steve McQueen, was fairly high. If you add writer Gillian Flynn (Gone Girl) and an incredibly talented …read more

Game review: Red Dead Redemption 2

Game review: Red Dead Redemption 2

Let me start by saying that this review will probably be one of my most celebratory of any reviews, and will at times reach borderline levels of compliment overload, that only the likes of Grandmas from Dudley have been known …read more